Celebrating Our 15th Anniversary

Post by 
Sarandi Manufacturing
July 26, 2021

On July 1, 2021, the team at Standout Arts (our marketing team) had the pleasure of joining the Sarandi family for a tour of their manufacturing facility and then lunch at the local community center.  While at their manufacturing facility, we had the opportunity to talk with a number of their team members and we got a firsthand look at how they take their projects from start to finish.

While talking with team members, it quickly became clear why Sarandi Manufacturing has a well-deserved reputation for quality and precision.  Office manager Teresa Martin, Project Manager Tim Snider and Sales and Estimating Manager Jamin Cruz all work in close proximity to each other.  When asked how they all got along so well, Teresa Martin said “we all get along so well because we are all fanatical about details.”

While talking with Project Manager Tim Snider, we discovered that being fanatical about details wasn’t his only strength.  The day before, Tim had traveled to Maryland to assist one of Sarandi’s clients with an installation.  We also found out Tim would be headed to Richmond, VA the next day to consult with another client.  In fact, Tim had met with another client on the job site in Harrisonburg, VA prior to returning to the Sarandi facility for the open house.

Perhaps most impressive was finding out that Tim had recently traveled to Arizona to assist one of Sarandi’s clients who was in the process of renovations to seven Hilton Garden Inns around the country.  Sarandi did all of the millwork for the lobby areas and Tim went to Arizona to assist with installation so their client would be totally clear as to how to proceed with installation for the remaining six locations.

We then had the opportunity to close out the day by joining the Sarandi team and their families for a picnic at the local community center.  While there we had an opportunity to meet a number of spouses as well as Nicoli Sarandi, father of Stan, Paul and David Sarandi. It was Mr. Sarandi’s passion for quality and craftsmanship that served as the inspiration for the Sarandi brothers to carry on that commitment to excellence in everything Sarandi Manufacturing does.

Prior to the meal at the community center, Paul Sarandi, President of Sarandi Manufacturing said a few words.  Most inspirational was Paul’s statement that the 15 year history of Sarandi Manufacturing has been a journey of faith and perseverance.  Every challenge they have faced along the journey has been met with perseverance and teamwork.

After the blessing given by Stan Sarandi, the Sarandi family did what families do.  They talked, they laughed and they ate.

We at Standout Arts are grateful to have had the opportunity to spend the day with the family and team members at Sarandi Manufacturing.  It was wonderful to see first-hand, how Sarandi Manufacturing has earned its well deserved reputation for quality, craftsmanship and superior service.

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