Effective Hotel Management Tips

Post by 
Sarandi Manufacturing

s the hospitality industry continues to recover from the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, excellence in management will play an even bigger role than it might have in the past.  Those properties that are managed the most effectively will have a leg up on enjoying a speedier recovery. Here are a few tips that will help hotel and hospitality managers lead the way.

- Effective Communication:  Clear and timely communication is key to making sure everyone is on the same page.  Make no assumptions as to what needs to be done, when it needs to be done and who is responsible.

- Clearly Delegate Responsibilities:  If you have department managers, respect their position, and give them the authority to manage.  While it’s always good to frequently check in with your department managers, give them the training, position expectations, support, and authority to manage their staff. Your plate is full enough already.

- Be A Good Role Model:  An organized, positive, supportive, and flexible manager will encourage that same behavior in team members.  And be sure to spend time in each department getting to know how each task is done and the day-to-day successes and frustrations your team members face.  They will appreciate your willingness to “walk in their shoes.”

- Reward Excellence:  The hospitality industry can be both rewarding and frustrating.  Recognize and publicize excellence whenever you can and as quickly as you can.  Take advantage of staff meetings, social media, and any other means available to recognize excellence in your team members.

- Hire Carefully:  While there are never any guarantees in hiring, take your time and thoroughly interview and evaluate new hires.  In the interview, ask questions that force candidates to reveal their character and behavior tendencies.  And pay attention to any red flags that may appear in both the interview and background checks.  Hiring sub-par team members can have devastating effects on guest satisfaction, team morale and the bottom line.

- Guest Experience:  If you follow the tips we have already mentioned, you should already be well on the way to providing a sensational guest experience.  That said, the effective manager will always have his/her finger on the pulse of guest experience and quickly move to identify areas where excellence is being provided as well as those areas that need to be improved.

As we noted at the beginning of this article, now is the time to make sure you are managing as effectively as possible to ensure your hotel is leading the way to post-Covid recovery.  We have cited the articles we reviewed for these tips and encourage you to read each of them for even more helpful tips.





Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

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