How Friendly is Your "Mobile-Friendly" Booking Service?

Post by 
Stan Sarandi
March 31, 2020

ow TRULY friendly is your “mobile-friendly” online booking service?  Over 80% of website traffic comes from mobile devices. Your guests will most likely be booking rooms and vacation stays from their smartphone or tablet.

Be Sure Your Website Can Accommodate Your Guests

Here are some things to keep in mind:

  • Need For Speed: Website visitors who are ready to book their stay with you need quick and immediate access to your online booking portal. Be sure to place “Book Now” buttons prominently throughout your website – giving special consideration to how these buttons display on mobile devices.
  • Tapping Not Clicking: Remember that users of mobile devices like touchscreen tablets and smartphones will be tapping your website’s buttons and links (not clicking with a traditional computer mouse).Be sure that your buttons and links perform well (not overly sensitive and not requiring hard taps or multiple taps to expand menus or to progress to the next section) on touchscreen devices.
  • Readability: Fonts and images each take on different views when displayed on mobile devices. Be sure to avoid “fancy”fonts that may be difficult to read on smaller screens or large images that overly consume your web page’s text when viewed on devices like phones and tablets. Often times, even though a specialty font or large image may look great on a desktop device, they can be difficult to read or view on mobile screens.

Be sure that your website provides a smooth, easy online booking experience for your guests. As you know, great customer service by your hotel or resort actually begins well before your guests ever step foot in the door– so get started off the right way by ensuring that your guests have a positive experience with your website: it’s often their first impression of your property.

Source: StandoutArts, LLC – Website Designers.

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